Schedule: triggered
Next run: -

Definition (rev fad8d524b95bd7340fc686e5a65f9de3308eda5d)

buildbucket: <
  server: ""
  bucket: "ci"
  builder: "Dawn Chromium Presubmit"
Triggering policy
max_concurrent_invocations: 1
max_batch_size: 1000
Last triage (6 months ago)
[000 ms] Starting
[011 ms] Pending triggers set:  0 items, 1 garbage
[011 ms] Recently finished set: 1 items, 0 garbage
[011 ms] The preparation is finished
[021 ms] Started the transaction
[025 ms] Invocation 8904401179633271760 is acknowledged as finished
[025 ms] Number of active invocations: 0
[025 ms] Number of recently finished:  1
[034 ms] Triggers available in this txn: 0
[034 ms] Invoking the triggering policy function
[034 ms] The policy requested 0 new invocations
[034 ms] Poking the cron
[034 ms] Removing consumed dsset items
[040 ms] Landing the transaction
[077 ms] Cleaning up storage of 1 dsset items
[107 ms] Done

ID Started Triggered by Duration Status
8904401179633271760 6 months ago - 33 minutes FAILED