buildbucket: < server: "" bucket: "ci" builder: "android-14-tablet-landscape-arm64-rel" >
{ "branch": "refs/heads/main", "repository": "", "revision": "d64c180e9c6d1117f1573e8fcbd47ef6923e3c66" }
[19:08:42.766] New invocation is queued and will start shortly [19:08:43.871] Starting the invocation (attempt 1) [19:08:43.898] Popped buildset tag "buildset:commit/gitiles/" [19:08:43.898] Popped gitiles commit info from properties and tags [19:08:43.898] Preparing PubSub topic for "" [19:08:43.899] PubSub topic is "projects/luci-scheduler/topics/" [19:08:43.899] Buildbucket request: { "requestId": "8896697702229394704", "builder": { "project": "chromium", "bucket": "ci", "builder": "android-14-tablet-landscape-arm64-rel" }, "properties": { }, "gitilesCommit": { "host": "", "project": "chromium/src", "id": "d64c180e9c6d1117f1573e8fcbd47ef6923e3c66", "ref": "refs/heads/main" }, "tags": [ { "key": "scheduler_invocation_id", "value": "8896697702229394704" }, { "key": "scheduler_job_id", "value": "chromium/android-14-tablet-landscape-arm64-rel" }, { "key": "user_agent", "value": "luci-scheduler" } ], "notify": { "pubsubTopic": "projects/luci-scheduler/topics/" } } [19:08:43.980] Failed to schedule Buildbucket build - rpc error: code = NotFound desc = builder not found: "android-14-tablet-landscape-arm64-rel" [19:08:43.980] Invocation finished in 1.218992357s with status FAILED