buildbucket: < server: "" bucket: "luci.libyuv.cron" builder: "DEPS Autoroller" >
[14:00:16.143] New invocation is queued and will start shortly [14:00:17.409] Starting the invocation (attempt 1) [14:00:17.443] Preparing PubSub topic for "" [14:00:17.443] PubSub topic is "projects/luci-scheduler/topics/" [14:00:17.443] Buildbucket request: { "bucket": "luci.libyuv.cron", "client_operation_id": "9098657745948308736", "parameters_json": "{\"builder_name\":\"DEPS Autoroller\",\"properties\":{}}", "pubsub_callback": { "auth_token": "...", "topic": "projects/luci-scheduler/topics/" }, "tags": [ "builder:DEPS Autoroller", "scheduler_invocation_id:9098657745948308736", "scheduler_job_id:libyuv/DEPS Autoroller", "user_agent:luci-scheduler" ] } [14:00:18.854] Failed to add buildbucket build - googleapi: Error 403: Auth error while calling swarming on behalf of {"error": {"message": "HTTP 403 from the token server:\nunknown service account or not enough permissions to use it\n"}} [14:00:18.854] Invocation finished in 2.728058427s with status FAILED