Triggered by: -
Duration: 7 minutes

Definition (rev a36e89d911d063674301a6dcea3fb549fd84fd9d)

buildbucket: <
  server: ""
  bucket: "ci"
  builder: "V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder"

Incoming triggers

Incoming properties

  "branch": "refs/heads/main",
  "repository": "",
  "revision": "106f228ca86505edb70aa575c99fd2d636819d17"

Incoming tags

  • buildset:commit/gitiles/
  • gitiles_ref:refs/heads/main

Debug log (UTC)

[22:39:43.620] New invocation is queued and will start shortly
[22:39:45.184] Starting the invocation (attempt 1)
[22:39:45.211] Popped buildset tag "buildset:commit/gitiles/"
[22:39:45.211] Popped gitiles commit info from properties and tags
[22:39:45.211] Preparing PubSub topic for ""
[22:39:45.211] PubSub topic is "projects/luci-scheduler/topics/"
[22:39:45.211] Buildbucket request:
  "requestId": "8913988446951219968",
  "builder": {
    "project": "v8",
    "bucket": "ci",
    "builder": "V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder"
  "properties": {
      "$recipe_engine/scheduler": {
            "hostname": "",
            "invocation": "8913988446951219968",
            "job": "v8/V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder",
            "triggers": [
                        "gitiles": {
                              "ref": "refs/heads/main",
                              "repo": "",
                              "revision": "106f228ca86505edb70aa575c99fd2d636819d17"
                        "id": "",
                        "title": "106f228ca86505edb70aa575c99fd2d636819d17",
                        "url": ""
  "gitilesCommit": {
    "host": "",
    "project": "v8/v8",
    "id": "106f228ca86505edb70aa575c99fd2d636819d17",
    "ref": "refs/heads/main"
  "tags": [
      "key": "scheduler_invocation_id",
      "value": "8913988446951219968"
      "key": "scheduler_job_id",
      "value": "v8/V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder"
      "key": "user_agent",
      "value": "luci-scheduler"
  "notify": {
    "pubsubTopic": "projects/luci-scheduler/topics/"
[22:39:45.893] Scheduled build:
  "id": "8748558384506351265",
  "builder": {
    "project": "v8",
    "bucket": "ci",
    "builder": "V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder"
  "number": 1322,
  "createdBy": "project:v8",
  "createTime": "2024-05-07T22:39:45.323563156Z",
  "updateTime": "2024-05-07T22:39:45.323563156Z",
  "status": "SCHEDULED",
  "input": {
    "gitilesCommit": {
      "host": "",
      "project": "v8/v8",
      "id": "106f228ca86505edb70aa575c99fd2d636819d17",
      "ref": "refs/heads/main"
  "canary": true
[22:39:45.893] Task URL:
[22:39:45.893] Scheduling timer "check-buildbucket-build-status" (v8/V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder:8913988446951219968:2:0) after 4m22s
[22:39:46.968] Received PubSub notification, asking Buildbucket for the build status
[22:39:46.985] Build status: SCHEDULED
[22:40:07.192] Received PubSub notification, asking Buildbucket for the build status
[22:40:07.251] Build status: STARTED
[22:44:07.867] Handling timer "check-buildbucket-build-status" (v8/V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder:8913988446951219968:2:0)
[22:44:07.887] Build status: STARTED
[22:44:07.887] Scheduling timer "check-buildbucket-build-status" (v8/V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder:8913988446951219968:5:0) after 9m13s
[22:47:42.595] Received PubSub notification, asking Buildbucket for the build status
[22:47:42.636] Build:
  "id": "8748558384506351265",
  "builder": {
    "project": "v8",
    "bucket": "ci",
    "builder": "V8 Clusterfuzz Linux64 sandbox testing - release builder"
  "number": 1322,
  "createdBy": "project:v8",
  "createTime": "2024-05-07T22:39:45.323563156Z",
  "startTime": "2024-05-07T22:40:06.895918495Z",
  "endTime": "2024-05-07T22:47:42.301752490Z",
  "updateTime": "2024-05-07T22:47:42.301752490Z",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "input": {
    "gitilesCommit": {
      "host": "",
      "project": "v8/v8",
      "id": "106f228ca86505edb70aa575c99fd2d636819d17",
      "ref": "refs/heads/main"
  "canary": true
[22:47:42.636] Invocation finished in 7m59.028389157s with status SUCCEEDED